The Role of Situation in Leadership

Research Objectives 

One objective of this article is determining the role that situation it plays when it comes to leadership in an organization or in any other place. It is clear that different situations define a leader in terms of how he or she react to them and successfully address the challenges that they bring. In order to achieve this objective the article first defines the concept of leadership, from a different perspective. This is aimed at helping the reader to understand what leadership is all about.  The article further tries to describe various factors that affect leadership in an organization such as behaviors and individual traits. Therefore, the article tries to bring out a picture of how leadership is determined by a number of factors. 

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Another aim of this article is to recognize the notion of leadership from diverse theoretical angles. For purposes of attaining this goal, the article discusses three vital leadership theories. The leadership philosophies that are deliberated in the article include pure situation model, contingency theory, as well as the path-goal model. These models help in accepting factors that impacts leadership within a firm. The article argues that contingency theory tend to be more consistent with prevailing evidence on how situations impact leadership and is in line with today professional practices in the area of leadership. Moreover, this study also discusses about the Vroom, Yetton and Jago contingency models related to involvement in the resolution making process in a firm. This framework is explained in details; hence, it has been used as the foundation of coming up with three unique ways through which contextual or situational variable can be important to the practice and research in management. These factors include, impact that situations tend to have on leaders’ conduct, ways in which situations end up influencing the way behaviors of leaders and efficacy of a firm is determined by diverse situational factors that a leaders’ has not control over.  Thus, the overall aim of this research paper is to indicate how various situations in a firm affect the response of a leader as well as their conducts.

Research Methods

In completing this article, a number of research methods have been used. To start with, this is a meta-analysis type of study. The authors collect data from different studies conducted in the area of situations and how they impact leadership to draw conclusions in relation to the impact of the situation as far as leadership in an organization is concerned. Different studies have been used in coming up with the final conclusion. The studies are drawn on various leadership theories studies that have been carried out by different authors in the field of leadership. The meta-analysis of these studies, form the basis at which the authors are able to develop their own conclusion in relation to the role that various situations in an organizational leadership. Secondary data is used in this article. The authors do not carry out a primary study, but rely on available literature in the field of leadership to develop their arguments. The secondary data is collected from the available literature in the field of leadership, especially in the area of leadership theories, leadership definition and models that have been developed to determine factors that determine the behavior and reaction of leaders towards different concepts in their leadership duties. The secondary data is used by the authors to come up with their conclusions after analyzing it. The data forms the basis at which the leaders are able to determine the role that situations play in determining the type of leadership approaches that are employed by an individual leader.  After carefully looking at the study, it is evident that the authors use the purposive sampling technique in this article. The types of studies that have been sampled to be used are all related to the role of situations in shaping leadership behaviors in a firm. The sampling process is based on the objective of the study. Therefore, the data that is sampled from the available literature on the subject of the study is the one that is aimed at helping the authors come up with reliable conclusions related to their topic of the study.  Qualitative analysis methods are used in analyzing the data collected in this article. The authors use deductive reasoning to analyze the collected data. The deductive data analysis process helps in coming up with three major conclusions on the impact of situations in leadership. The analysis technique employed by the researchers is able to aid in the process of developing conclusions that are reliable and valid as far as the topic of discussion is concerned. It is also important to note that the article observes research ethics, given that all the secondary data is properly cited. 

Factors Identification

There are a number of factors that explain the leadership challenges as far as various situations are concerned as provided by the article. Firstly, organizational behaviors that are beyond the control of the leader. This means that there are a number of behaviors that will be exhibited by organization employees, which are not within the control of the leader. These kinds of situation have an impact in a way a leader is able to react and behave in an effort to address them. Personality traits of a leader also have a great impact in the way various situation impact his or her leadership approaches. Different leaders react in various ways to situations. These traits shape their reaction towards certain processes. Additionally, another factor that is discussed in this article is the as a challenge to leadership is the behaviors of a leader. According to the article leaders usually shows different behaviors and these behaviors are motivated by a number of factors. Therefore, determining the impact of leaders’ behavioral traits is critical in determining how he or she behaves to situations. In addressing the above factors, the article looks at different leadership concepts, especially leadership theories that address the factors in question. After serious investigation of the available literature in the leadership field as well as situations the article authors developed solution to the identified problem factors. One of the solutions they give is that organizational effectiveness tends to be affected by situation factors that are beyond the control of a leader. Therefore, a leader should address these situational factors in the best way possible in order to enhance organizational effectiveness, given that effective leadership is usually determined by the ability to enhance organizational effectiveness. Secondly, the article is of the view that different situations have an impact in the way leader react. Therefore, a leader should react to various situations in a different way. Finally, based on the collected data, the article is of the view that situations influences the consequences of a leaders’ behavior. For instance, if a leader is faced by a situation where the employees are disobeying his orders, his reaction will be determined by the way he perceives the behavior of the employees, and he might end up firing the employees involved in this situation.

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