Gender Stereotype and Culture

The relationship between gender and stereotype remains one of the critical aspects that explain the psychology behind various job features in the workplace. In essence, gender stereotype entails the sex orientation that a particular people uphold. On the other hand, culture refers to the belief and traditions that define the behavior of an individual. While these two concepts are distinct in nature, there is evidence that culture influences the view of people regarding a career. For instance, the manner in which individuals from a particular culture perceive a job may be different from those in another nation. The following paper majors on the finding between my classmate and I. We had a list of occupations that displayed the relationship between gender and occupation. After completion of the distinct resources, we took the time to compare our results. Psychological evidence points out that difference in culture lead to different gender stereotypes. 

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First, diversity in culture can perpetuate varied gender stereotypes. The results of our responses were a sure indication of the cultural and gender orientation disparity. In essence, there were jobs that we had similar responses. For example, we both perceived that doctors, lawyers, taxi drivers and pilots were male. The similarity was also present in our perception of a babysitter and architecture. Nevertheless, we had differences. For instance, while I perceived that Chef is a female, my partner did view a chef as male. Moreover, the system engineer in my perspective was a female, unlike my partner who viewed the position as male oriented. The findings did point out to the fact that there are jobs that have a more traditional masculine and female trait. For example, baby-sitters are known to be women. It is a traditional role that seems similar globally. It is because; I am white in the US. On the other hand, my partner is a black from Kenya, Africa. The gender orientation of men to hold the position of doctors and lawyers is a reality. However, it is evident that the cultural difference emanates from the increase in civilization. The United States has been on the fire front in embracing civilization. Consequently, the liberal western culture has been crucial in influence the psychological view of most citizens. In fact, the subject of equality encourages women to embrace jobs that have been squarely left for the male. The US has become superfluity with their culture. They tend to abandon the traditional roles of men and women. On the contrary, Africa has remained conservative to their culture. In fact, Kenya is among the nations in Africa that perpetuate their cultural perspective. Traditionally, men were created for complex and tedious jobs, unlike their women counterpart. It accounts for the results of the job of a system engineer. While in the US, women are steadily embracing the Job, the African countries such as Kenya that lies in Sub-Saharan Africa still holds the conservative view of the jobs.

Research indicates the fact that cultural perspective influences gender stereotypes. Luci Jutting&Morrison did conduct a study to address the gender differentials that occur in the labor market of developing nations. There was emerging evidence that women in poor countries have shown a recent increase in penetrating the labor market. However, most of the female seemed to end up in low-paying jobs that have low security and restricted social mobility. It is contrary to the liberty that was enjoyed by their male counterparts. In essence, there was gender bias in patterns and in occupations according to the various sectors. The findings, therefore, suggested the need to address discriminatory social norms, traditions and laws that seem to intimidate women. It is crucial to indicate that these findings seem to answer the cultural distinction that emanated from the responses we gave. In essence, the African tradition has been deemed to demean the woman. In fact, many employers have developed a negative perception regarding women. There are features that have perpetuated the view. For instance, women have been naturally orchestrated to bear children. The event limits their ability to be present at work during the gestation period. In fact, there are those who report a decline in productivity due to pregnancy. The aspect of motherhood coupled with child rearing has psychological impacts on their general career commitment. In fact, they cannot report 100% career commitment like the male. Most employers, therefore, show reservation in employing these women. The cultural view is similar in both US and Africa. In Kenya, Africa, the traditional role of women as home makers is real. Consequently, despite the pressure to embrace the corporate world, many people still have the view that occupations such as doctors, lawyers, system engineers that seem complex are best performed by the male. On the other hand, homely duties such as being a chef and babysitting can be done by the females. Evidently, cultural backgrounds affected the two distinct perceptions drawn from the studies.

In further research, the operation of gender segregation in non-standard work arrangement among scientists and engineer in the US emanates. The study by Prokos Padavic&Schimit uses a defined sample. There was evident of gender pay gap and women seemed to face the worst representation.  The gender pay gap is worse in females practicing science and engineering compared to the males. The research portrays the conservative view that the traditional role perpetuates regarding women. In fact, despite, the fight for gender equality, it is taking nations several decades to embrace equality in the career. The gender stereotype, therefore remains an aspect that is being shaped by the traditional perspectives.

Gender stereotyping is, therefore, a critical issue that has destructive impacts on the career progress of an individual. Consequently, there is a need to bring to an end the negative factors that propagate. While one must appreciate the role of culture and diversity and ethnicity in giving community identity, the society must not be blind to destructive impact orchestrated by culture. Particularly, culture influences gender stereotype. The manner in which a society perceives the positions the man and the woman define the extent of his influence in the corporate world. In fact, it determines his liberty in climbing the corporate ladder. Research, therefore, indicate the need to minimize gender stereotypes in workplaces.

Lane Goh& Linn explore the role of implicit cognition in illuminate the various disparities. In fact, it is the key to promoting the need for women to embrace scientific career. It is, therefore, recommended that employers address the discriminatory social norms. It is until the society develops a positive perception concerning the masculine and feminine traits that the issue of gender stereotype can fade off. The government should also consider some of the laws that work against women. For instance, the need for affirmative action is inevitable. It is the means that the government can use to empower women. Moreover, it will help the society break off from conservative cultural traditions that have limited their liberty. Education and training, care obligations are other recommended steps in helping women take up jobs in the various fields.

Culture, therefore, influences gender stereotypes. The findings of our responses point out to some differences and similarities. The United States and Kenya are two nations that have citizens with distinct cultural perspectives. It accounts for the variation in responses. Nevertheless, these are steps that can be considered as the means to reducing gender stereotype.

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