Songs are widely used for different purposes and occasions. Similarly, most songs are done during major events and happenings. For instance, songs are used in the preservation of history since most songs are composed during historical events. In addition, songs are used to pass over knowledge from one generation to another. Like any other written document, a song is a reliable source of information. Above all, songs spread messages faster since many people love them. For example, a song written during an event that took place long time ago triggers memories of that event whenever it is placed. Likewise, such a song enhances the knowledge and understanding of the listener regarding that particular event. This paper discusses the history of music after the Second World War and the impact that some songs, such as, White cliffs of Dover had on the prevailing circumstance.
White Cliffs of Dover Song
The song White Cliffs of Dover was a popular song during the Second World War. It was written by Walter Kent and Nat Burton and performed by Vera Lynn in 1942. Furthermore, the song emerged to be one of her best recordings since it gained publicity rapidly, turning out to be rated among the best and most popular tunes during the Second World War. For instance, the song was written at the pick of the war when Germany was overpowering Europe and launching bomb attacks to the Britain. By that time the song was written, America had not yet entered the war to boost the efforts of the Allies.
Similarly, Veras song was given the name, White Cliffs of Dover, since it was written a couple of months after the British and German had been attacking each other over the cliffs of Dover. On that note, the battle of Britain was noted to be the most dreaded battle that involved airstrikes by both German and Britain Armies. For that case, the lyrics of the song advocated for peace over the white cliffs of Dover. Equally, it aimed anticipated and longed for the time when there would be peace over the cliffs of Dover. Moreover, the song acted as an agent of peace by requesting American to intervene and foster peace by ending the war. Similarly, the song gave hope to the residents of Dover by arguing that very soon the war will end realize peace over the cliff of Dover. Due to the massage of peace proclaimed by the song, it became an anthem of Dover Athletic football club.
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Change of the Song
The song White Cliffs of Dover was aimed at promoting peace during the Second World War as well as giving hope to the residents that it will not take long before peace prevails over the cliffs of Dover. Since the song was made before the American forces extended their support to the allies, the song can be changed to a song made for the Americans during that period. For instance, the bluebirds are found in America and, hence, the song can be dedicated to the Americans. First and foremost, the song best suits the Americans by changing the line, There Will Be Bluebirds Over The White Cliffs Of Dover, to There Will Never Be The Bluebirds Over The White Cliffs Of Dover. With this change, it means the American aircrafts will not take part in the battle over the cliffs of Dover. Through that, the song will promote peace over the cliffs since the presence of Britain and Germany planes over the cliffs of Dover increased tension between the worrying sides.
Furthermore, if American aircrafts go to the white cliffs of Dover, peace might not be realized any soon, as the song suggests since there will be tension and increased attacks. On the same note, with the change, the Americans will have to choose alternative measures in the bid to restore peace over the cliffs of Dover as opposed to the involvement in warfare. The fact that America was not directly involved in the war gave it an upper hand in its efforts to restore law and order. Likewise, it portrays the desire of America to halt the war by withdrawing its planes from the white cliffs of Dover.
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Additionally, Changing That Line To, You Are Not Going To See Blue Birds Over The White Cliffs Of Dover, makes the song suits the American situation at that time since it helps to stir the people hearts. For instance, this song was launched during the Second World War at the time Americans did not want to carry blames for the war. For that reason, the change would make the American people during that time to take appropriate measures and avoid direct involvement into activities that could worsen the state at the cliffs of Dover. Consequently, it could have helped them to reflect and back the hopes that soon the future will be filled with peace and laughter. As a result, the song could have been made for the Americans since it could have portrayed them as role models and agents of peace.
Similarly, the change of that line makes the song appear as if it was made for the Americans since it was carrying the image of the performance of the American people in the Second World War. For instance, the Americans hoped to stop the war and, thus, replacing the line there will be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover with there will be no blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover, boost the efforts and performance of the Americans in the bid to stop the war. For that reason, America entered the war only after realizing that German had almost overpowered Europe and had begun bombing Britain. The decision was aimed at strengthening the allies in order to minimize the destruction and loss of lives by bringing the dreadful war to an end.
Moreover, changing the song could have boosted the morale of the Americans since it was used as the tune of the Second World War. In that case, the song could have speeded up the activities as well as improving the performance of the Americans during the war. As a result, love peace and laughter could have been realized immediately just like the song suggested. Similarly, the step taken by America was due to the hope and desire to stop the war. Therefore, the presence of the blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover was a measure to end the battle of Britain as well as to bring the Second World War to the end. After that, the blue birds were withdrawn granting the white cliffs of Dover the much anticipated peace. Hence, replacing the verse there will be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover with you will not see the blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover makes the song suit the American people during that time.
The song White cliffs of Dover has a great significance over the world since it carries the memories of the dreadful Second World War. On the same note, the song played a role bringing the Second World War to the end. Through its message and plea for peace, the song rapidly gathered publicity and was embraced by most nations over the world. On the same note, the song carried the image of the performance of the Americans in the war. As a result, it helped quicken their actions which led to realization of peace over the world. Similarly, the song can be changed to appear as if it was made for the American people during that time by withdrawing the verse there will be blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover and inserting there will be no blue birds over the white cliffs of Dover.