Walt Disney Company was formed in October 16th 1923. It was initially known as Disney brother studios. This company came into formation because of the contract signed with M.J Winkler. The contract was mainly aimed at producing Series of Alice comedies.
The headquarters of this company are in St. Burbank, in California. Walt Disney Company is on the increase. This is according to a survey, which was carried out in 2008, which estimates its employees in 150000. This paper aims at bringing out the important activity in Disney’s Value chain and its important primary activity. It also looks on the corporate and business strategies of the Disney. It also looks on how the functional levels strategies are used. Lastly, it will look on the best recommendations responsible for improving the strategic firm’s formulation process.0
The most important support activity in Walt Disney Company is providing entertainment. This is seen through its efforts to be the world’s leading provider of family entertainment. These efforts are initially seen when they sign a contract with M.J Winkler with a mission of producing a series of Alice comedies. Their support mainly comes from the higher number of employees which amounts to 150000 workers globally, these information was arrived at after a survey contacted in 2008. Entertainment had been long neglected due to the major concern in the field of science. This has led to lack of people getting to understand themselves and their position in the society, mainly because through entertainment a certain lesson is passed. This helps people to get to understand themselves and the surrounding and how to relate.
The most primary activity in Disney Company is to make people happy. Some of the factors support entertainment. In a mission to achieve this and become global leaders in provision of entertainment and which are on the push to raise its level to the next state.
These factors include technology. Despite the employment of a big labor, which is aimed at reaching every corner of the world Disney, have maintained a standard range of products and services. The visual performances are said to be the mirror of what is currently happening, and in the future most of the people are using it to make predictions of the future and know on how best to deal with the challenges that may come. Entertainment has been used a good way to reduce stress in humans. This is very helpful after a long day of work. People are made to relax and prepare for the next activity. This factor is supported by the Disney Company, which is producing entertainment in both live performances and their already made recordings. Through this, their economic level is improved mainly because they sell their recorded performance which helps boost them financially. This money is also used to improve their performances through finding better acting places and hiring of more workers.
The corporate business strategies of the Disney is that they have provided a good business ground that differentiates their consumer products, services and contents from other existing competitors in the entertainment field. This is seen in their strategy to create and provide the most innovative and creative as well profitable form of entertainment globally. They have considered the ways in which they can use to improve their market in the entertainment field. This has included the employing of more workers.
This has made it easy and has provided a good working environment. Through this, it has been made easily accessible in every corner of the world. By the cooperation, which has led to increase of the workers, this means there is good business as well as providing enough entertainment for the people. Despite the success and the good progress, there have been a number of challenges. These challenges arise from factors attributed to different locations and cultures of different countries of the world.
The entertainers move round their centers when entertaining people. The fact to which they come across different communities with different cultures. Regardless of how uneducated and illiterate some communities are, they try their best to ensure that they fulfil their mandate, in giving the best form of entertainment as per their objective. Some communities are not used to certain ways of life, and when the performances are used, they may try to include some features that the community dislikes. This brings the communities into a tag of war with the performers. This hence requires many people who represent each culture and to have an in-depth research about a performance before going to host a performance in that area. The other challenge affecting this company is the way in which they choose the genre of the entertainment. Based on their main aim of perfecting the comedy, they need to add some additional form of entertainment such as drama, and plays, so that it cannot be a monopoly. This choosing of genre is determined by the kind of audience in which the people are trying to entertain.
With the setting of the parks where people go mostly for refreshments, at times there is hardship in selecting the perfect form of which they will enjoy themselves. These forms of entertainments include the merry go rounds, and children cars as well as swings, and above all the visual performance which is watching the art.
The functional-level strategies used include the expansion of parks oversees which will include a creative team within their human resource management department. As well, employment of creative thinking among the entertainers. To achieve this, the human resource managers have to find on a way of creating a friendly working environment. By doing this, most managers usually use the incentives and rewarding programs that motivate workers to give their best of service, thus achieving entertainment which is their main goal. In doing this, entertainment is the key goal of being in this industry, and so creativity is a factor that cannot be omitted.
This issue of creativity has been a great support to the Disney industries, which has led to them being on the high growth rate.
The key factor to destiny’s development is technology. Through the production compact discs, the technology has assisted in the support of the company’s activities. Technology has been highly regarded as the key factor to today’s mode of living. This is improving the entertainment sector, as well as the economic levels of a society.
So as to improve the strategic formulation and planning on further expanding of the company, the company needs to always recruits adaptive staff who can easily fit in and adapt in any corporate climatic change, these is in the technology and economical spheres of business, due to the rise in global insecurity Disney company have to employ a proper mechanism to counter these challenge which has become a great concern much as entertainment arena is concerned.
When deciding to make a park in France, it is recommended that they consider all factors surrounding them. This will help not to major in the small activities, whereas they are meant to cover the whole society as a whole.
The Disney Company has been noted to be in top lead to produce entertainment. This has been a good benefit to the society as a whole and to the people in particular. When people get their service, they pay too for them. This brings to supporting both the performance and the audience. Through its efforts, the company is in a promising rate, going to be the leading in matters of entertainment. It teaches on the ways of appreciating the society, and also predicting the future and learning how to prepare for the coming activities.