Law systems are made in the judicial circles solely to ensure that the interests of individuals are met. In every country, there are laws that govern the country. Without these laws, it is hard to have order in the area. The law is what makes enhances proper governance and order. The keeping of upright moral standards in a society is a contribution of the whole society and not an individual (Allot 1999, p. 33). This paper then discusses how law is maintained in the society and how have law systems enhanced social change?
The laws are implemented by leaders of a country. The leaders have to sit, discuss and enact laws which are to guide the citizens.
These laws are supposed to have positive effect to the community at large. The laws are to enhance order. Once these laws have been made the leaders are to reinforce them to the people. However, these have not been effective in the past. This is partly due to poor governance and leadership. The common person fails to have an example to follow as the leaders do not follow the rules they have made (Seidman, Seidman & Abeysekere 2003, p. 25). Hence, the government has to be firm and devoted to maintaining law and order.
Emile Durkheim had a concern over the social integrity of in the modern society. According to Emile, the society had the capacity to function with social wellness that would be healthy and balanced. He argues that social wellness was not a result of the contribution of individual’s behaviors in the society. He suggests that the well-being of the society is a function of social facts (Fox et al 2009, p. 14). He further explains how order is maintain in the society by division of labor. He adds that t societies also grow form one level to another. The societies grew from the traditional set up to the more complex modern set up (Steven & Kellner, 1991) He highlights that in the traditional set up, there were no much issues to be observed (. This is because during that time the people had a common way of behaving. The society had a common norm that they all followed without question. He refers this as a mechanical society. The traditional set up had the solidarity that they maintained even in labor (Fox et al 2009, p. 15). The solidarity enhanced good behavioral habits as the people were obliged to behave well in public. He termed the law in these societies as repressive. While the societies that are not unified, he referred the law to be restituted.
Emile Durkheim observed the behaviors in the religious set ups. He studied the Protestants and Catholics. The same assumptions were considered of a society that has uniform habitual practices and those which encourage liberty. He notes that the protestant had a high suicidal rate compared to the Catholics. He suggests that these differences in the suicidal rates were due to the commitment to the religion. He calls this kind of commitment as social integration. The Catholics have a normal social integration while the Protestants have a low level of integration. The low level of integration with the protestant is what brings for brings forth the high rates of suicide (Hamilton 1990, p.284).
Jacques Derrida also contributed to the writings on law and order. Jacques defines a strategy he calls deconstruction which he uses to analyze the old system of tradition (Reynolds 1999). He explains that the theory reveal two sides of every situation the constructive side and the negative side. That if a person speaks he cannot express fully what is in his or her mind. The same with writing that we cannot write down every thought and express it fully (Holcombe 2007). This theory was used to critic the old traditions. The strategy was use to unmask the issues that were not constructive. When this theory is put to a religious context, there are people that are not faithful to the religious calling. They pose as faithful to the religion yet that not what they mean. He says that the lack of responsibility to religion contributes to low morals in the society. He maintains that if individuals could maintain their solidarity to traditions then there could be good morals in the society. He supports the singularity in the Jewish religion as they are faithful to the calling of their God and so they maintain the same code of conduct (Reynolds 1999).
(Amiot & Sansfac¸ 2011, p. 105) explains that it is evident the association in groups is enhancing better moral behaviors. As more people join groups, they affect one another. It has been noted that groups which relate more closely do affect behaviors of their members. The positivity of the group then depends on values that are encouraged amongst members of the group (Amiot & Sansfac, 2011, p. 106).
On the other hand, proper law and order in the society is a product of principled leadership. Without proper governance and leadership then a country falls into social illnesses that lead to poor social status (Seidman, Seidman & Abeysekere 2003, p. 18). If the law makers do not portray a excellent example to the people, then the society is likely to have fallen morals. This is because there is no one taking responsibility of their actions. However, if the leaders in the society make clear politics then the society is likely to have strong norms. If the political leaders show a excellent example, it will be easy for the people to follow behind as this will be accomplished formative context.
Therefore, it is recommended that people should associate themselves with social groups. By doing so, people are able to interact and influence each other socially. People in the same age sets should also influence each other to behaviors that will enhance a healthy society. As Durkheim suggest, that people should be devoted to the religious groups. Instead of individuals being double minded, they should focus and be faithful in these. This way, the society will have one norm that is common and upright.