The contemporary world consists of many elements, which contribute to the development of the humanity. It is essential to admit that the design formulates an outlining part of human activity in every sphere of life. The role of design has a comprehensive nature due to its presence in routine activity of every individual in thousands of forms. Some people can hardly even notice the presence of design in every aspect of human activity. Nevertheless, it is impossible to deny the outstanding role played by design in the construction of the daily performance of every sphere of life. The following discussion is a reflection of the role of design in the life of every individual. In particular, the discussion will reflect the role of design in nature, economy, society, culture, the human body, and emotions. Every element deserves a specific consideration in order to understand the influence of design and its regulatory role in the perception of the surrounding world.
Design and Nature
On the one hand, it may seem that nature does not fall under the influence of design. On the other hand, the design is a product of human activity, which means that it is impossible to deny that it influences nature along with other spheres of life. It is possible to outline five strategies perceived in nature, which have an outlining influence of the design. These strategies include design for longevity, design for disposal, reduce, reuse, and recycle. It is possible to see the influence of the design within the named strategies. For example, the world has already raised its awareness on the ecological footprint put by every individual and nation in general. From this perspective of view, it is possible to see various products, which support the ecological protection of the environment. The mentioned five strategies flow from the idea that human activity has a harmful influence on nature and the surrounding environment. In this way, the humanity managed to design its activity by meeting the needs of nature. For example, the majority of products are made for a long period of time, which means that such products will not go to waste soon. Furthermore, the humanity has already designed new machines based on the alternative sources of energy, which is a caring behavior of the humanity. Finally, there are many reusable and recyclable products, which aim to reduce the threat of various products to the sustainability of nature and the surrounding environment.
Design and Economy
The contemporary business is another sphere of life, which actively applies design in search for competitive advantages and sales boosters. A rapid development of a business sphere made it a common activity aiming to find the most creative and profitable ways of representing the company in the market. There are different levels of design usage by the companies, which vary from non-design, design as form-giving, design as process, and design as strategy. The final level of the design usage is the most vivid example of design penetration of business and economy in general. It is a complete revision of the company’s strategy, which aims to recreate business productivity and financial sustainability. The economic purpose of design is to find the less costly methods of achieving an increased level of sales. In addition, continuous improvement and optimization of the design is the key to economic growth and potential enhancement. Such companies as Apple and IBM continuously search for the refreshment of their brand by means of design. It has a significant reflection in the financial sustainability and sales increase. In this way, it becomes possible to promote further growth of the economy in general.
Design and Society
Society also falls under the influence of design and its peculiarities. It is impossible to find products, which do not have an influence on social response. For example, many companies aim to reach the society by paying attention to social issues, which tend to develop. The developing world, in particular, has a long way to go to get rid of its problems. In this perspective, many companies aim to design products, which would have a beneficial impact on health and overall development of people suffering from the diversity of problems. In fact, there are many companies, which take care of the developing world by pursuing sustainable development goals. In this way, it becomes possible to see social awareness of the companies, which tend to recreate a balanced performance of the developed world and other countries. In general, the design is a part of various social projects and campaigns, which involve different companies. For example, it is common to see social projects supporting water saving activities, poverty reduction, or posters against racism. In this way, design helps companies to raise social comfort and contribute to the overall social welfare. From this perspective of view, it is possible to see a social integration of business and design, which does not have only financial perspectives of the activity.
Design and Culture
Primarily, it is obvious that the contemporary culture of every nation continues to transform under the influence of the surrounding world. The design and globalization are two outlining elements, which co-exist in every sphere of life. It is impossible to imagine the world without the English language, iPhones, or well-known fashion brands. In this way, these elements stir the boundaries of the familiar world for every individual all over the world. The Internet is also another source full of design products, which influences the development of cultures. Human activity continues to transform under the influence of Internet resources, which are represented by social media, in combination with smartphones make it possible for people to access any part of the world with its specific culture in a blink of an eye. It is the natural process of cultural exchange, which characterizes the contemporary media sources and informational interchange. In general, the design also creates different opportunities for its users. For example, people may have some cultural peculiarities due to the usage of different products in a specific way. The design made it possible to penetrate various products with different cultural peculiarities, which outline the features of different nations. This is an obvious connection between the design and culture.
Design and Human Body
The diversity of products offered by the companies strives to meet many criteria, which are dictated by consumers. In fact, the human body and its peculiarities are the primary criteria, which define the specifications of various products. It is obvious that companies strive to create products, which will be the most comfortable in usage. It is possible to see the influence of design from the point of human body characteristics in such objects as an armchair, doorbell, spoons, pens, shoes, clothes, and various accessories. In this way, the design helps not only to satisfy the taste of the consumer, but also meets physical criteria of the products used by consumers. In general, the goal of the design is to improve the cognitive interaction of the human body with various products, which will create comfort. In this way, the design has an optimization function, which focuses on the continuous improvement of human interaction with objects of the surrounding world. Thanks to the design, products make consumers’ life easier and simpler, which is the primary goal of every business.
Design and Emotion
Emotions fill everyday activity of every individual regardless of age. It is amazing to see how colors and various shapes influence the imagination and perception of different individuals. For example, bright colors have a positive influence on mood and thoughts, while dark colors may encourage being more serious and even sad. The design uses a full palette of color by aiming to reach different moods and thought of people. It is possible to see the myriad of colors on the shelves of every store, which change according to seasons and holidays. The design has an interrelated nature with human emotions, which are interdependent and determine the nature of mood. The behavioral design also has the intention to catch the mood of the individuals and encourage them to desire to take some action. For example, it is possible to have a strong desire to relax while looking at the comfortable sofa or bed. It is a natural reaction of human body based on the visualization of objects. This is the background of the design based on human emotions and primary needs.
In conclusion, it is essential to mention that the world of design has an outlining influence on the world of business and consumers. It is impossible to envision the world’s development if the design disappears. The discussion successfully revealed the essence of the design’s influence on every sphere of human activity including nature, economy, culture, society, the human body and even emotions. Every sphere has an interrelated nature of influence with design, which creates a specific relationship between consumers and entrepreneurs. In general, it design remains the primary element of the imagination, which plays a major role in shaping the characteristic features of the surrounding objects.