Raising a child is the greatest pleasure, and the majority of females would like to do it as flawlessly as possible. Nowadays, women find themselves confronted by two roles as mothers and professionals. For this reason, the question arises as to whether mothers should stay at home to care about children. Charles Murray, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, states, I just want us to realize that stay-at-home wives are one of the resources that have made America America. At the same time, statistics demonstrate that the amount of stay-at-home mothers has greatly declined, and only one person in ten is a mother at home today. Although society has become more sympathetic to employed women, more than 60% of Americans still consider a mother focusing on the family to bring most benefit to children. Mothers should stay at home to raise a happy child and have long-term positive effects on childs development.
Providing the Best Care
First, it is a mother who gives the most tending and loving care to her child, and nobody else, neither a grandparent nor a babysitter, can do it superiorly. During infancy, the child urgently needs the presence of a mother to meet the physical needs and to generate a sense of confidence and security. Numerous psychological experiments illustrate that the absence of a mother in the first year of life has severe effects on the physical, mental, and psychological condition of the child later. In contrast to a professional babysitter bounding by job responsibilities, a mother always thinks about her childs interests. Likewise, a grandmother or grandfather does a kind of favor that does not allow one to oppose their education principles and methods. Daycare centers are also not a way out. The research shows that children spending the whole day in kindergarten have higher levels of aggression and stress compared to those who are raising at home. Moreover, further studies display the constant adverse effect of unsatisfactory daycare on children and when they become youngsters. Even choosing between a mother and father as the main caregiver, a mother will certainly do a better job. Whereas the majority knows that mothers emotional availability is a key to a childs healthy being, many still do not recognize a deep and lasting effect on the development of the childs brain. A mother can teach life skills, observing the different stages of babys growth. It allows her to be well-informed of the childs development and take appropriate actions, noticing any delay. Therefore, a stay-at-home mother is involved in practical parenting that provides a child with the best growth opportunities and role models.
Making Children Smarter
Second, stay-at-home mothers make their children more intelligent than others. It is well-known that maternal presence is essential in the babyhood, but a mother continues to be vital much later in a childs life. Studying the impact of Norways Cash-for-Care Program on children, it has become obvious that those whose parent participated in it had better academic achievements. The reform was aimed at financially securing parents who decided to teach a child at home instead of sending to early education. A stay-at-home mother can help the child to improve knowledge and to learn proper training techniques. When a school-aged child enters another phase of development and social education, he/she needs mothers emotional support. According to Eric Bettinger, The results suggest that even older students in middle or elementary school could use guidance from their parents. The scholar believes that benefits would be great for American children as well. Thus, a parent at home, particularly a mother, is a source of knowledge and guidance for a child when he/she grows older.
Being Available
Third, a stay-at-home mothers availability is the best part a woman can manage. Irrespective of ethnicity or race, most children have an employed mother. The Pew Research Center findings are as follows: a stay-at-home mother spends much more time per week on child care than a working one. To be precise, a mother at home spends 18 hours a week on child care while an employed mother allows maximum 11 hours. There is a difference between overwhelming children and being available for them. A child requires the presence of a mother and is sensitive to her disappearance. However, children need such experience. Understanding that mother is a separate and independent person allows the child to grow up and gradually separate. A good mother should be present but not prevent a child from being independent. Besides, availability does not mean a strong focus on family needs while forgetting about own emotional and physical desires. Even in a single-parent family, a child should not think that the mothers interests are entirely subordinated to him/her. Hence, a stay-at-home mother should learn the art of care and move away from housework from time to time.
Ensuring the Best Safety
Next, stay-at-home mothers can best ensure childs safety. At preschool age, a childs attachment to a mother is still strong. Although the child is actively exploring the world around, he/she keeps coming back to a parent. A mother should be considered as a reliable, stable figure when the child needs to return. Depending on outsiders or specialists, working mothers live in constant fear of childs security. There are many media reports of nannies that planned to abduct a child, alone or together with professional kidnappers, so mothers can never trust them entirely. Even if these concerns are overstated, sex offenders can easily prowl around, hunting for small children. It is not surprising that employed mothers always recheck daycare centers and babysitters for protection. On the contrary, a stay-at-home mother can personally oversee childs safety and remain calm.
Staying Focused on a Child
Pulling in different directions is one more reason why women decide to stay at home and devote more time to children. For example, a working mother feels guilty about not preparing for a business meeting, whereas childs well-being distracts her attention at the workplace. Another situation is when one has to work long hours while the child is ill. It causes a feeling of stretching in diverse directions, creating frustration and high emotional stress. Conversely, a stay-at-home mother benefits from less duties she has. A woman understands that raising a child is a primary task, and when her child requires care, laundry piles or a dirty closet should wait. Psychologists say that the brain reaches 50% of its capacity in the first six months after birth and 80% up to three years. It lays the basis for future intellectual development. At the same age, character, interests, and values ??are determined. Furthermore, a stay-at-home mother can adjust schedule – to go for a quick job or to take a nap. Unfortunately, an employed mother is deprived of such opportunity: she is always in a hurry to return home after office. Rose Kennedy once said, I looked on child rearing not only as a work of love and duty but as a profession that demanded the best that I could bring to it. Consequently, maternity is a profession that needs a lot of effort, and many women choose to stay focused on children instead of work.
Subsequently, stay-at-home mothers provide a favorable environment for children at home. Even though the term homemaker is frequently observed as out of date, homemaking is defined in terms of an individual who makes a home. It cultivates productivity and loveliness in family relations, helping all family members feel supported and respected. Accordingly, there should be a person with energy and time to carry the home. Traditionally, a female is the center, spirit, and soul of a house. Many still believe that a comfortable home is not so important in a happy family life. Nevertheless, comfort is a special atmosphere in the house, filled with love and care about each member of the family, and this happy space is created by a woman. It is not a goal, rather a mothers need to make a loving space where everyone feels cozy, especially her children. When a mother stays at home, children feel nurtured and cared, growing in a pleasant, calming atmosphere. Thus, a stable home where children are taught and raised is completely a mothers merit.
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Keeping Children Thin and Healthy
Moreover, stay-at-home mothers cook family dinners that positively affect childrens weight. Minnesota research proves a rapid increase in a childs mass when both parents are occupied, but it is especially true for a working mother. The eating habits of working families have much in common. The reason is that a professional mother is busy to cook at home that makes children turn to cafes and junk food. When talking about keeping a normal weight and healthy eating, eat together has become a slogan of nutritionists and doctors. Scientists have found that even without preparing special dietary meals, homemade food significantly reduces the risk of dangerous diseases, like type 2 diabetes. In turn, it may be the cause of obesity, coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and stroke. On the one hand, children having family meals have a lower obesity rate as a result. On the other hand, some obese or overweight children have family dinners but experience negative emotions, such as more control over behavior, poor communication, and hostility. That is why a warm, communicative atmosphere is also important. It is evident that that meal cooked at home is essential to protect children from being obese, and a stay-at-home mother makes the meal environment enough positive.
Improving the Financial Situation
Next, many stay-at-home mothers have a good education but prefer to raise children to save on the cost of care per day. As daily care costs highly increased, it has become burdensome for two parents to work. In fact, married stay-at-home mothers are better off financially than their counterparts who are single or cohabitating. They can choose to stay at home that single mothers cannot allow themselves to do. Statistics show that men covering all costs let their wives become stay-at-home mothers. Eventually, mothers who stay at home have a better financial situation than mothers who have to allocate time and effort between home and work.
Suffering from Low Self-Confidence
In contrast, some scholars mention that a stay-at-home mother usually suffers from low self-esteem. The reason is that people are assessed in terms of what they do and how much they earn in modern materialistic culture. The study reveals that full-time and part-time employed mothers have less depression symptoms and better health compared to stay-at-home women. In addition to money, the lack of recognition, public gratitude, and formal position make mother staying at home feel limited. It particularly concerns experienced and educated females who think they lose skills sitting at home while their less intelligent colleagues are well-paid, climbing the career ladder. A loss of social contacts, the difficulty of establishing new ones, and a lack of personal space are also worth noting. Many people have stereotypes of non-working mothers because they are not aware of their loads and stresses. A stay-at-home mother begins to feel exhausted, lethargic, and unable to cope with her ordinary duties. Mostly, depression is a result of psychological and social factors. The situation becomes more discouraging when children and husband do not consider a stay-at-home mother seriously. Many men tend to think that housework is not work at all. Hence, a husband can lose interest in his wife as a companion, and children are sensitive to such issues. Similarly, children will suffer when their mother experiences frustration, low confidence, and depression. They could grow up with the feeling of unhappiness and even a complex, hearing mothers complaints. Besides, it can form an opinion about the position of woman in society as a second-class person. On the contrary, scholars find a professional mother self-confident and satisfied, setting a better sample for children. They come to the conclusion that the quality of time, not quantity finally matters.
However, employed mothers often complain about the lack of time to communicate with the child. As a result, they feel guilty due to their employment. If mother stays at home with a child and suddenly understands it is a wrong decision, she can get back to work. Still, if she chooses a career and then realizes her mistake, a working mother cannot return the years passed. Apart from the evident pleasure of spending time with a child, there are many advantages of being a stay-at-home mother, a working mother misses.
Raising Happy Children
Lastly, mothers who stay at home to raise children feel they have a decent life. The report indicates that stay-at-home mothers are the happiest among others. They are pleased to care about children and enjoy moments spent together. A stay-at-home mother spends more time on sleep and leisure than a working one. At the same time, employed mothers worry about their job, having a high-stress level. Laura Perrin, a stay-at-home mother, notes that it is wrong to perceive them as unhappy and depressed, and it is just what officials accept as true. Therefore, a stay-at-home mother is likely to be a self-assured and happy person who can raise happy and healthy children.
Working and raising a child at the same time is not an easy task, so mothers should stay at home to devote more time and energy to their children. When a woman suffers from low self-worth, feeling unhappy and harassed, her child is influenced by mothers depression. A stay-at-home mother is expected to be a self-confident and happy individual. If small children could express their feelings, they would share the secret of their happiness, saying that mother spends enough time with them, giving her care and attention. The close physical contact with a mother is required and cannot be replaced by even the most high-quality care of another person. A child never feels unnecessary because a stay-at-home mother plays with him/her and always finds time to listen and to help. It is hard to match all the attention and guidance that an involved parent can provide. Giving the best care and safety, making children smarter and healthy, being available and staying focused on a child are among the main benefits.