Case Study of Malaysian SMEs

The research article provides the reader with a clear understanding of the objectives and impotence of the Small and Medium Enterprises SME’s. There have achievements in the recent years in the Malaysian local and international markets. This research article has provided the reader with the opportunity of knowing the measures that the government of Malaysia has put in place in order to help the countries Small to Medium Enterprises (SME’s). To achieve their objectives and at the same time ensure that they are of great importance is felt not only by the Malaysian citizens but also by other people in the world over (Abdullah, 2010).

The research paper has also been seen as a source of monitoring where the government has been able to see and analyze its performances in the international markets. This is where the country’s government has provided the SME’s with the needed support in order to ensure that the companies have the opportunity of selling their products internationally and competing with the regional giants like Japan and China that have been able to make a name of their products internationally (Abdullah, 2010).

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The research paper also identifies the major contributions that the Small to Medium Enterprises SME’s contributes to the growth of country’s economy. In that it’s is the SME’s that are present in the country helps the country to be more successful economically; this is by providing better  services and employment opportunities to the locals and thus resulting making the lives of the countries citizens improve. This ultimately results to the country easily achieving its Vision2020 goals (Abdullah, 2010).

The research paper has also highlighted on the measures and methods in which these Small to Medium Enterprises SME’s have been able to implement the use of Total Quality Management (TQM) in their organizations. The responsibility of the SME’s managers (chief Executive Officer) in the implementation of this plans, and how these measure had helped these SME organizations to succeed in the markets this is by an increase in their income as a result of improved service quality.

Benefits gained by the SMEs gained through TQM implementation in research article

The research article has identified that many Small to Medium enterprises SME’s has been in a position of improving the quality of there services and goods as compared to the previous cases where the services when the Total Quality Management (TQM) hadn’t been implemented in the enterprises.

The research article has been able to relate the Total Quality Management with a direct connection between the humans and technology (Abdullah, 2010). In that the human ideas are well merged with technological advancements and this will result to a more perfect or improved outcome (Products) that will be better as compared to the previous one.

The article has clearly indicated that the introduction of Total Quality Management (TQM) has resulted to the improvement of the quality of the products. This is a result of the interdiction of the conditions that will be used to establish the quality of the products and in that case the quality of the product will be easily monitored in order to ensure that they fit the quality and standards that are set internationally.

The SME’s are also said to result in high performance of the SME’s, the thorough measures and guidelines that have been set has resulted to the organizations to manufacture products that are recommended for the market. Thus the workers struggles towards achieving this goals and in the process these organizations will encounter less cases of defects; thus improving the organizations economic potential this is because it doesn’t incur a lot of loses (Abdullah, 2010).

The TQM has also resulted to the SME’s organizations sustainability and survival of the SME’s in the international and local markets. This is when the TQM has ensured that the organizations are able to compete effectively with the other international companies in the world markets. As a result the organization has improved its credibility and increased its sales and has been internationally accepted by customers.

Stages of TQM implementation as described in research article

The project has classified the implementation of TQM in four different categories that includes Inspection, Quality Control (QC), Quality Assurance (QA) and the Total Quality management (TQM). And in this case all these stages are important for a given SME to develop to the point of becoming a locally or internationally accepted by its customers and other people   using the products from the SME (Abdullah, 2010).

The first case of the TQM implementation is the use of Inspection activities that are implemented here includes measurement, testing or assessment examination. This has made ensuring that the products or services conform to the specified requirements, Quality Control (QC) methods and systems is a part of self-inspection the tools and techniques. Quality Assurance (QA) will focus on the continuous improvement of the products this is by systematic planning and preventing errors from occurring in the future. Lastly, in the implementation is the that the highest level is Total Quality Management (TQM) which involves the application of the quality management principles to all aspects that will include the  customers ,suppliers and other shareholders in the business (Abdullah, 2010).

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