There exist a great relationship with the work done versus the personality inside people. People tend to be different when working in a task differently. This paper uses the anagram arrangement to experiment the need of learned helplessness and human psychological factors in affecting the behavior and outcome. It can be noted that people who are slow or weak, cannot tackle even simpler questions of the anagram. The only way they may tackle is introducing motivational factor, making sure that they are asked easy questions and need to be encouraged to perform their duties independently. Thus, the paper proves the fact that people in hard conditions will less likely to arrange the words because they find the task hard personally.
When human being are provided with tasks to perform and proceeded by another task which is similar but as some difficulties, then the second task suffer. It is proved that people often perform tasks poorly following experience with what is thought are unsolvable. Sacco & Hokanson underwent an experiment which they perform two competing values. They try to explain on how unsolvable problems gets discriminated basing their realities on learned helplessness and egotism. They use anagrams which in my own research it was used. Though in different perspective and variables used by the two, my research conquers with them that anagrams are hard than people expect. The realities that people base their explanation on them, may not readily determine how they can solve the anagram task or they are able to finish the task in thirty seconds, but the personality.
Personality theory explores more why people may not finish the task at the same time. Lewin formula that B=f (P, S) can make a judgment on my research. People have different behavior regarding from the situation they are and what constitute their personal traits. The hypothesis that people in hard condition and weak in the judgment of a task are likely to behave in a manner suggesting difficulty in performing the task. The research I did show that when a person faces some difficulty in the first task, then finish the other tasks will be difficult. People take things personally. The need to have good personal traits is important for each person. It can be noted only that the hard condition people take the task hard. Those who lie in the easy groups take the task more positively. They are aware that when they take it positively, the likelihood of finishing the work on time can be achieved. Thus, they are pessimistic.
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The learned helplessness theory is noted to be working in place. People did not take the task has difficult but gives reasons that suggest that the outcomes only results from the first attempt. When those in hard conditions gets some challenge in the first task, they surrender and thinks that the other tasks are unsolvable. This is noted even when the last is given a simpler task. Those who are in easy conditions and the ones who continually play anagram gets compelled by their first correct answer to proceed to the next. The easy group always take the task as a challenge and a test of being active and punctual. They, therefore, take the task more personal and in a positive manner. This compels some of them to finish the work in time and sometimes complete even if it is not in time.
Furthermore, the easy people group work to finish the task in time due to the protection of their personal self-esteem. This kind of people gets their mind engaged and never wants to be so harassed that they are unable to work on it. They, therefore, have no control in protecting their expected performances.
The fact exists that learned helplessness is an independent phenomenon produced by people perceived independence between their efforts and their outcome. The hard conditioned people get to fail due to the fact that they seem to lack positive of the learned helplessness deficits domains. They lack motivation, cognition and the affect to do better and get into the solution of the anagram questions. Therefore, such people may not make to complete the task in the provided time as they become uncontrollable.
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Anagram solutions divert the expected words. The arrangement of the words is very confusing. The hypothesis theory shows that a failure in producing subsequent impairment performances, not because subjects are tough or helpless but because of the alignment and misdirected about the nature of the solutio. Therefore, most of the questions being tested in the place are not passive, rather they try to test incorrect hypothetic question. Therefore, the data obtained from my results shows hypothetic theory in real practice.
Moreover, the hard condition group shows some failure to finish the work. Their stimulus shows make them not respond to each of the questions. They need only to be induced with helplessness so as to work on the question. Though they always try to assume that everybody do not know, they are amazed when put tighter with the easy group who motivates them to try to answer the questions.
Thomas, Warren & Charles agree that the only method to make learned helplessness to be a true factor is by checking on the independent variable. People need to be positively reinforced so as to get motivated to work on the given assignment. This can be supplemented by the Lewinsohns and Seligman models of depressions. In my research, I used rewards for those who participate in the assignment. The rewards were based on completing the task on time, completing all the tasks and those showing a willingness to the research testing. I noted that people get motivated and willing to take a chance when provided with such actions. Using these supplements, it can be noted that those in hard conditions try to answer questions even when they have a little time. Therefore, the personality and the traits shown by the people can only be changed by introducing the third party such as motivation to cope stress. It can be furthered be explained that due to the depression that can be shown when people tackle the hard questions, then it can be proved beyond doubt that we need to start with easy questions before tackling the hard questions. Therefore, the hypothesis that starting with the easy level questions is important in the paying of the anagram.
The need to make sure that each subject plays the part of the game equally is important. Equality does not mean that we need to give them equal time or equal task, but, we need to sub-divide them into groups and levels whom, the time scheduled for each group is different from the other level. The easy group needs to be provided with the more difficult task. In the easy group sub diving them into genders is also important. This will help them challenge themselves equally and not with the moderate level. Deriving answers or verifications from Selegram theory, by doing such actions such as lengthening the time for the low-level group will be a positive reinforcement and therefore inducing helpless and thus, each group shows similar performance deficits. Hence, Lewinsohns theory proves all data valid and applicable for all the groups.
Finally, basing too many theories and explanation on the above paragraphs, the experimental research on learned helplessness can be validated. It can be proved that controlling the personality, task difficulty, and time provided to each level to rearrange words and introducing motivations can help better the field. Though such actions may be done to get into learned helplessness, people in hard conditions always have a personal trait of making a simple task complex and thus, likely to fail to rearrange the words especially those looking complicated.