Indian Culture

The Indian Culture is an important custom of discussion among the communities of the world. The unique elements of the Indian culture include the various aspects of living, the family ties and distinctive dress codes. Indian life is founded on social interdependence among the family and community members. The identity of an Indian ethnic group revolves around clans, family groups and religious communities. As such, the Indian families adore social interaction founded on societal bonds. The responsibilities of every community member revolve around respect for various clan members and social obligations. A diversified element of a community setting is founded on various types of food and national dressing style. The south east Indians are a unique group of individuals that elaborate the Indian culture. The initial tribe of the South East India elaborates the culture and allocated responsibilities of specific traditions. The indigenous population of the Woodlands is the South East Indians. As such, sub tribes of the same group include the Adai, Alabama and the famous Apalachee. The three categorical sub tribes are initial Native Americans who ventured in hunting and gathering as an economic activity. The South East Indians also engaged in various traditional festivals including the corn fiesta. Duties allocated to women varied from the other responsibilities within the family ties. A distinguishing element of the type of culture includes the bright colored cloths. Other significant features include the Indian art that holds a historic account of the culture. This paper will analyze the culture of the South East Indians elaborating the art tradition and symbolic meaning.

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History of the South East Indian culture

The populations of the Southeast Indian have a rich historical background that points to the Woodlands. As, such this group of people are termed as the Woodland Indians due to the area of origin and occupation. The history of the Woodland Indians explains the characteristic tribe of about 4000years. The tribes of the Woodlands exhibited a structured form of government and a centralized settlement system. The large population of Woodland Indians spoke in dialect languages understood by a few members of the clans. Woodland Indians portrayed unique characters as some engaged in art with the help of natural dyes. Basketry contributed largely to the community’s source of sustainability. Fibers obtained from the forest enhanced basketry weaving for food collection and storage1. The forest knowledge also helped in serving medicinal purposes and as herbs for performing rituals. Woodland Indians passed knowledge through oral skills due to the story telling nature of the clan members. Other unique skills of the Woodland Indians include beadwork and shell carving. The Indians used shells to make knives later used in the hunting sessions. Woodland Indians lived in small clan numbers with interrelated individuals who observed the law of settlement. A significant history of the settlement defined an individual’s identity based on the mother’s clan. As such, a new born baby belonged to the same clan as the mother. The Indians also had particular marriage rites based on the clan laws formulated to govern the land. As such, the law prohibited marriage between two clan members of the same identity. Rituals performance in the Woodland entailed serving the gods and several goddesses who protected the land. The offertory session includes song performance and dance in prayer for guidance. Religion served a central purpose in the history of the Woodland Indians as a lifestyle.

India is an ethnic language that exhibits a rich culture and traditions among the communities of the world. The first Indian settlement traces back to about 9000 years as evident through paints of Stone Age periods. As such, the rich culture of the Indian population is an important element of discussion for reviews the world cultures. The art of the Indian culture is embedded in the knowledge of living in science and elements of music. A historical review of the Indian culture revolves around love for community members and honoring the elderly. Seniority is a common tradition that mandates every Indian society to honor the elders especially in the South East Indian tribes. The social life of this group of people revolves around serving the elders in recognition to the holy leaders. Purity is virtue accorded by the south east Indians in respect for the community in general. As such, the use of a polite language signifies respect, humility and responsibility2. The elders teach the young people on the pillars of attainment for moral responsibilities. Paying of deities is a historical responsibilities of the south east Indians as a consideration to religion. Apology is a recognized virtue among the Indians which is accompanied by touching of shoes. The belief of cultural preservation is an individual responsibility allocated to every member of the society.

The South East Indian art

Woodland Indians used various forms of writing to express different feelings and other thoughts. The medium of expression for the feelings included writings and paints of available material. Common writing found on stones, shells and pots explains the early form of communication or expression for the Indians. Traditional works of the Woodland Indians portrayed in deciphers conveyed coded messages preserving the culture. The Indian art originated from a feeling of supernatural and the belief in natural forces. A significant sub tribe accredited with the early Indian art is the Cherokee clan. This group of the Woodland Indians dwelled in pot making, pipe carving and weaving. The early art include canoe making from trees collected in the forest. The canoes favored the Indians in long journeys across the oceans and rivers while transporting food. The use of coal fired hardened tree logs scrapped by stones to inscribe various decorations. The Cherokee clan also carved pipes from backed clay and other soapstone material. The decorated clay pipes functioned as musical pieces for various ceremonies in the Cherokee festivals. Other clan elders used the carved pipes for tobacco smoking during entertainment or herb injection.

A significant southeast Indian art marked various occasion or events that reminded the community of past historical developments. The Mughals art is such an example that marked the 16th century duration of the Indian culture. The origin of the Mughals art marked the death of a senior architect within the Mughal Empire. The rise of Mughals son marked the onset of a revival period for his father’s art work and portraits. Jahangir’s passion for painting stirred the community to a period where art work appreciation formed the pillars of the Indian community. Various artistic pieces elaborated Mughals’ kingdom through different paint work and imagery decorations. The dynasty passion for the kingdom by the Mughals subject explains the begging of the portraiture. The art symbolized a people identity and transition of the various periods of struggle through the Indian culture. As such, the Mughals art become a dominion over other populations and subject of the Indian rulers and kings.

Characteristic features of the Woodland art work include a decoration phase, inscription stage and painting. The elements of the Mughals art work focused on a power lineage that highlighted the ruler’s opinion and the peoples’ responsibility. The use of short lines for the portraits symbolized a hierarchy of power for a centralized community. The portraits also entailed animal heads and human body to explain the power duration. As such, various art work pieces passed information from various generations with unique elements signifying power intensity among the empires and rulers. The portrait lines also transmitted information between rulers of the Indian society. A significant attribute of the Mughals paintings depicted a chain of communications between various clans. Joined lines indicate existing relationship between two members of an empire, a community and animals used during a given reign. The portraits also elaborated changing traditions and ceremonies marking the beginning of a new era or life. The red lake is a traditional culture explaining a legendary myth of the Woodland Indians3. The portrait of the lake explains interdependence between human beings and natural forces. Unique portraits of the Woodland Indians also emphasized a forth coming prophesy or event in the Indian history. Art works that contained ivy line carved through powerful creatures symbolized prophesy in Indian the community. The shaman imagery implied a forth coming vision for the entire society indicating the onset of a natural force. The art works also functioned as a warning for a given misfortune to befall the Indian community.


The Indian culture is a diverse social setting with various traditions and beliefs embraced by major sub tribes. The South East Indians are a relevant sub community that clearly elaborates the Indian culture and tradition. The history of the Woodland Indians is significant for the study of the Indian society. Woodland art is a unique element of study for the analysis of the Indian community. The Mughals art work serves a central purpose in the history of the Indian culture and history of the Woodland Indians. A legendary portrait of the Mughals dynasty explains the transformations within the Indian culture.

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